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The Dr T Morrow Radio Broadcast

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Originally a Radio Broadcast, It is now on my Youtube channel to watch Parts 1-9 complete book one will be completely uploaded  in next few weeks. Above is the link button to take you to Part one. It was an opportunity to pair both my story writing with my music. It has music specially written for it as well as songs and music from my other 11 albums. The Dr T Morrow album has the specially written songs on it. Some for book 2 are also included, which is being written at the moment. This "soundtrack" album is available on most digital music platforms.

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Slide one

Originally a Radio Broadcast, It is now on my Youtube channel to watch. Book one in nine parts will be completely uploaded  in next few weeks. Above is the link button to take you to Part one. It was an opportunity to pair both my story writing with my music. It has music specially written for it as well as songs and music from my other 11 albums. The Dr T Morrow album has songs and music especially written for the project. Some music intended for book 2 are also included on the album.  This "soundtrack" album is available on most digital music platforms. I am currently writing the story for book two  "Promise to a Yogi". 

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