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final city hoarding for video.jpg
The lost journal of a dystopian adventur

CD Liner

CD liner for Dystopian Adventurer.jpeg

This album sees me with a new Prog concept album.

Below are Images for each of the songs. These have been included also

in two videos, one for each side of the album. They are not true Videos

as they are mostly stills, and a couple of animated stills in a Graphic novel/comic sort of style. See opening slide below to set the scene for the idea.

1st entry of journal.jpeg
Dystopian Cityscape.jpg
Wizzard of the Stars.jpg
Gonna need a Rainman.jpg
Mutant City Girl Bop.jpg
Reaching out across Space & Time.jpeg
I can see a change coming.jpg
My Love.jpg
as we sat and watched the stars.jpeg
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